
Showing posts from December, 2019

Never Forget the Importance of APIs before Choosing Telecommunications Billing Software

Gone are the days, when establishing a high-quality network infrastructure was the sole requirement of a successful telecom operation. Nowadays, the success of telcos is decided by their ability to launch innovative plans that evoke customer interest. Basic services like voice and SMS are no longer the difference makers. There is a need to bundle basic services in attractive packages and complement them with new and evolved services. If a telecom operator wants to succeed in the current state of the industry, it needs to have quality telecommunications   billing software   solution to meet all the emerging requirements. The Importance of APIs Application Program Interface (API) has become extremely important for telcos. Due to frequently changing requirements in the industry, a telecom operator needs to find ways to adapt its services according to the market and preferences. However, the cost of sending the  telecommunications billing software  back to th...

Build Your Brand with Millenials Using Best Telecom Billing Systems for Cloud

The brand loyalty of millenials has been found to be higher than of any other generation. People between the ages of 22 and 37 have tremendous power to spend, which is expected to reach $4 trillion by 2030. For any budding telecom operator or MVNO, millenials offer a great opportunity to improve their business prospects. To capture the market share offered by the millenials, it is best to incorporate the  best telecom billing systems  in your day-to-day operations. Flexibility: The Key to Capturing Millenials’ Interest Capturing millenial’s interest is not an easy thing to do. Although they are loyal to the brands they prefer, their trust for a brand is not built overnight. It takes repeated delivery of quality services over a period of time to forge a relationship of trust. And, it is not easy to make that happen, unless you are utilizing the latest telecom billing solutions that offer complete flexibility. As of now, the most versatile and flexible telecom soluti...

Big Data Management Simplified with Real-Time Scalable Solutions Processing

Big Data management is a concern for companies dealing with voluminous data generated by their business operations. The computational requirements alone are excessive; add to that the uncertainty of future requirements, the task becomes extremely difficult in dearth of scalablesolutions processing solutions. Especially when businesses decide to do their Big Data processing in-house, they put upon themselves a burden that sometimes alienates them from their core competencies. Maximize Data Value without Losing Focus Scalable solutions processing provides a middle ground for companies that want to leverage Big Data implementation. Data steam processing is another aspect of real-time Big Data processing that can be invaluable for a modern-day business operation. Below are some advantages of real-time and scalable Big Data processing solutions: 1.       Based on an in-memory processing platform, data stream processing allows you to monitor the behav...